Daryl - you are on your way - now I want to see your roughs scanned in. And I want to see the images you have collected of the madrona march behind target. Get yourself tracing paper of paper you can draw on and trace through the light box in 218. blow up the marsh images and start drawing - get yourself some pens for this and have fun!! Look for the type face you want to use and blow it up on the computer and print it out. Your job at the moment is to illustrate angela
Daryl - you are on your way - now I want to see your roughs scanned in. And I want to see the images you have collected of the madrona march behind target. Get yourself tracing paper of paper you can draw on and trace through the light box in 218. blow up the marsh images and start drawing - get yourself some pens for this and have fun!! Look for the type face you want to use and blow it up on the computer and print it out. Your job at the moment is to illustrate