Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Madrona March Images


  1. Daryl,
    You need to really finish off your blog - I want roughs, slogans, more research and ideas. YOu have been working fairly slowly throughout the semester which has meant your work is not complete.
    You have to put in some serious effort, in class particularly with the software programs that can render the ideas you have. Also you need to really extend yourself with regards to your effort.

    Your idea about the Cajun poster and the effort you put in to the drawing and ideas were good. what happened to the end result? - your final does not look like a cajun poster? Your text does not work and the fact that you put it on after the last class means you can not get any feed -back and design is part of this class.

  2. Daryl lcome to class and work on your next assignment - I know you can do great work.
    In class we worked on the compnay choice, cliche choice, target market and the connection between the cliche and explianing how you can use it to create a new direction for you. See you in class on Wednesday

    A few things to work on
    Now you have your cliche you have to explain it connecting it to you idea. you have a bit of work to do.
    You have to do your target market and then refer the cliche to your product and this will give you a direction - I have worked with a few student on this so take a look at other blogs and see what I mean by referencing the cliche as an idea.

    Then you have to know your target market for the product and the company and the wholesaler - this will be a catalog advertisement. All of these will have or could have different meanings as per the target audience an placement.

    I want to see 10 roughs of each design = 30

    just on sketch or tracing paper - but 10 different ideas.
    good luck angela

  3. DARYL,
    WHERE were you? I expected to see you on Thursday. I would really like to see your work ASAp so you can get the roughs done so we can work on your digital work and you really need to get to them soon because you do not have great software skills.
    COme to class early and on time.

    a. – having 2 images of a store – one from the 80’s and the other today
    Product - time line of music
    closet with shoes laying around -
    How it is still a popular shoe? –
    that shoe is always going to be around. It will last for decades. Why are we stuck in a closet?
    Timeline – Great events of the 80’s and 90’s do it with words or you could do it with images
    How do you show time has passed?
    Industrial – timeline: a. could be changes in technology
    Timeline of Company – of stores


  4. Stretched images, the layout is simple and could be used more effectively with the text. Could have used a macro form of the hierarchy to justify your text and therefore organize the information easily. The placement of the images – Lion, gazelle is a hierarchy of images. Centered image that does not look centered cause dropped behind WHY?
    have a great holiday
